Environmental Planning and Landscape Architecture Design
Landscape Architecture
Parks and open spaces, bicycle and pedestrian pathways, trails, roadways, sustainable design, creek and waterway restoration
Waterway Restoration

Waterway and Wetland Management
Wetland and stream restoration and enhancement, hydrology, hydraulics, and stream geomorphology, fish passage barrier removal, channel design and drainage, watershed management plans, hydraulic structures
Geotechnical and Engineering Geological Services
Geotechnical Investigation and Construction Services, Contaminated Soil Evaluation, & Engineering Geology
Investigations for buildings, structures and subdivisions, slope stability investigations, geologic hazards and hazardous materials assessments
Wastewater/Water Supply
Small Community and
Individual Systems
On-site alternative systems, feasibility studies, water availability investigations
CEQA/NEPA and Permitting Assistance
Environmental Review
Initial Studies, Mitigated Negative Declarations, Environmental Assessments, Regulatory Agency Coordination, Monitoring